Thom Suddreth
“Can I do it? Can I start working with wood in an entirely different way?” I love wood. I’ve made furniture. I’ve built decks and porches. For years, I had an Etsy business selling handmade wooden guitar stands. My family members have benefited over the years from lots of cool Christmas gifts. Other people work out or go to yoga to deal with stress- putting on my headphones and working in my shop is how I’ve always stayed sane.
But woodturning… this is something else entirely. Some of my woodworking skills carry over but this requires a whole new skill set- and lots of new equipment (ok, I admit that was a big consideration because I’m a guy who loves tools!). Could I do it?
The pandemic helped answer that question. I ordered a lathe and turning tools and got started. Quarantining meant lots of time at home which translated into lots of time to learn those new skills. Lots of trial and error- woodworkers have a saying, “turn it or burn it” and believe me, my burn pile has gotten its share.
I’ve gained confidence, have met some amazing people and have even been able to pass along some of what I’ve learned to others. I appreciate the chance to share some of my work with you and would love to hear your thoughts.